
This is anoter of one of the experimental pieces which make up my body of work 
it is a representation of the music on large paper using charcoal, which was then reworked using pastels and gesso to create more depth highlighting the music in the work. 

We had a task to represent our favourite place to be using the elements of art, highlighting the senses that we feel when we are in that place. 

My favourite place to spend time would be on the beach at Yamba in a spot were the bush just meets the sand. So you can here the tree;s blowing and swaying in combination with the sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the sand slightly moving in the breeze. The touch of the warm sand with my toes feels fantastic. All you can see is the beautiful crystal blue water and rock-pools on the shore line of the beach. Warm sun on my back and the breeze bringing a salty taste to my mouth and the fresh clean outside, salty smells makes this my favourite place to spend time. 

We then had to do the same for our favourite food.

My most favourite food whould have to be sashimi...

Justification behind the elements chosen to represent my favourite food.

The solid rectangle shapes represent its texture and the warm colours of red, orange and pick represent its flavor. The curved line highlights the wholeness of the food by having smaller pieces in a way being unified together, through this line. Straight regular lines make up these smaller pieces

Some people think that it is weird for a teenagers favourite food to be sashimi but i love the fact that when you eat it has that meaty feel to it but it is just has a greater freshness to it then meat and the texture is pretty neat too (that was random)

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