Resolved Doll

these are the final images of my finished archetypal doll and this is my artist statement about my doll also

I have created an archetypal doll of the sage. The sage is a source of wisdom, who provides expertise and information, to those who seek it. I have represented my great grandmother
philis osbourn as the sage because of her true wisdom and through the way she would use intelligence and analysise to understand the world. Though through the action of her mind losing connection with the body she inhabits both negative and positive elements of the sage. The spilling of knowledge out of her is represented through the beads it can be seen as both a positive and negative representation as it is spilling into a bowl for others to gain and learn from or it can be viewed as a loss of intelligence. But the sage knows that it comes form all aspects of life as shown where the knowledge is seeping up form the ground and absorbd back into the sage and the cycle continues. There is at no time when the sage is not influenced as shown by the spiral on the head and beads on the hand. I have used hessian while it is a fabric it is a very masculine one with course fibers highlighting the animus inside this female sage archetype. By lace stenciling onto the hessian it de-masulines it , also by the nest having the lace as a shadow it shows how it thoughts and wisdom are truly female. The conbination of wire, beads and calico predominatly make up the general composition of the sage's media this is because this combination highlights the core strength coming together and femininity through these predomonant media. Looking and gaining information from lmy mentor artist wendy stavrianos has shownme and given me the idea of putting my archetypein a "landscape"and by looking at her works where she manipulates cloth has broadened knowledge, like a sage into how threads and mixed media accumulated together to produce a deep and meaningfull work.

Doll scanned then reworked

that is the end of this unit and term
looking forward to the next one


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