Liminal Self

In this unit i will investigate the self portrait through the following focus of the liminal self, with some influence from the focus of what is real.

Liminality is a psychological, neurological, or metaphysical subjective, conscious state of being on the "threshold" of or between two different existential planes, as defined in neurological psychology (a "liminal state") In anthropological theories, a ritual, especially a rite of passage, involves some change to the participants, especially their social status. 
The liminal state is characterized by ambiguity, openness, and indeterminacy. One's sense of identity dissolves to some extent, bringing about disorientation. Liminality is a period of transition where mortal limits to though, self-understanding, and behavior are relaxed- a situation which can lead to new perspectives.
People, places or things may not complete a transition, or a transition between two states may not be fully possible. Those who remain in a state between two other states may become permanently liminal. 

I think i will look at Liminality in places and being in them and at a state between two different existential planes. This could include between water and earth, so a shore line? rive bead? or pond. Incorporating earth and water then links in my element water and my close 2nd earth  and the liminality felt when between the two???or some thing
Brainstorming and scribbling in Visual Diary for close and more in-depth look.

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